Tuesday, 13 May 2014

One Direction, Belgium’s Tomorrowland Festival Join The Rolling Stones In Scam Land

Good to see that FaceBookStatus123.com  scammers have different musical tastes , Following the report of a scam promising free tickets to the Rolling Stones earlier this week, the Sophos Naked Security blog also shared similar delusions with an address and Music Festival electronic Tomorrowland in Belgium.

Like the Rolling Stones scam, the possibility of free concert tickets is offered in exchange for sharing what appears to be a spam website, and there are obvious red flags. Naked Security wrote:

There is a scam matching partitioned exactly from the same server, offering free tickets to see the heart beats - One Direction adolescents.

No disrespect to Mick, Keef, Charlie and Ronnie, but to go online for 1D ticket, Directioners need to get 15 clicks through their personalized Web links, not just 10.

There is yet another structurally identical scam trying to suck in fans of dance music, offering tickets to this year's event Tomorrowland in Belgium.

In the three scams, free websites claim that their tickets, if they actually exist, have three to five business days to arrive.

Stones and One Direction sites claim: “Since we are in the UK, the shipping time is different in each country.”

Tomorrowland scam instead gives a nod to the host country of the event, stating: “. Given that we are in Belgium, the shipping time is different in every country "

But in a reminder of what may be multiple jurisdictions cybercrime, scams claiming UK have an origin. Com web addresses that resolve to a server in Switzerland while allegedly swindling Belgium has one. Eu web address that is hosted on a server in the U.S.

The registration data for the three domain names are all different: one lists an individual who claims to be in Germany; the other two applicants shielding actual record behind proxy’s registration Panama and the Bahamas.

However, the relationship between scams is obvious, because everyone seems to be driven by the same set of templates; all work the same way; and two of them are hosted on the same server.

Fortunately, there is an easy way to beat all: Do not try, do not buy, and do not respond.

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